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  • CS Lewis, Edith Stein, and How to Make It as an Indie Writer

CS Lewis, Edith Stein, and How to Make It as an Indie Writer

Hey gang, hope you're well—today I'm sending you some highlights from the latest episode of the Other Life podcast, Be Not Afraid with James Ellis.

James Ellis hosts the podcast Hermitix. His latest book is Be Not Afraid, a fictionalized account of his recent conversion to Christianity. We discuss James' actual conversion story, Saint Teresa Benedicta, CS Lewis, and James' journey as an independent writer and podcaster.

I like and admire James because he's a real thinker and writer who insists on living a life of the mind, even if it requires him to live frugally. He does sophisticated work on difficult and niche themes, which don't necessarily have a huge market. Yet he's earned a loyal cult following at least large enough that he can pay his bills and keep doing the work he believes in.

Here are some highlights for your lunch break:

Listen to the whole episode on the Other Life podcast—you can find it anywhere you get your podcasts.

We have some exciting guests coming up, so make sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or whatever podcast player you prefer.

Other Life #194: Be Not Afraid with James Ellis from Hermitix (Podcast / Youtube)