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  • "Ask for the Truth:" The Medium and the Light by Marshall McLuhan

"Ask for the Truth:" The Medium and the Light by Marshall McLuhan

What the media won't tell you about the famous media theorist.

Welcome to today’s issue of Other Life. If you received this from a friend, subscribe here. If you love the newsletter, become a member.

Two quick things:

  • The next cohort of our writing accelerator will start on Monday, September 11. Radically increase your focus in life, improve the quality of your thinking in general, and increase your writing output in particular, in our friendly and inspiring community of readers and writers. If you’re on the fence, book a short call with me and I’ll help you decide whether you’d be a good fit. If you’re ready, enroll here.

  • We’re currently reading Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian, to finish before our seminar on the book this Monday. Harold Bloom called McCarthy “the worthy disciple of Faulkner and of Melville,” and said that no other living American novelist “has given us a book as strong and memorable as Blood Meridian.” RSVP here, or from the Events channel of the community, and come say hi on Monday.

Marshall McLuhan is most famous for his pithy mental models about mass media, but he was also a brilliant theorist of religion.

Few know that he converted to Catholicism and he expressed his religious convictions within the same conceptual tapestry as his media theories. The Medium and the Light (1999) collects McLuhan’s religious writings. I find these writings more intriguing right now than his works about the media, which might be slightly overrated at this point.

As he explains, he was just researching religion, and he wanted to understand the different denominations in their own terms. He did nothing more than seek the truth, and here is what happened…

Read the whole piece at otherlife.co/ask